Britt and I both grew up going to church on Sunday, which was something that was never forgotten. Britt's Grandpa was actually a Baptist Minister until his passing in 1991. It seems as we both grew older, going to church was put on the back burner. With my recent increase in school, work and clinical hours, Britt and I had a conversation about returning to church. I asked myself and Britt why would we want God to help us get through things, but yet not worship him and put him first? The answer was we shouldn't and never should have! We have starting attending church again, and putting our full trust in the great man upstairs! I know that he will bring us through this challenging time, and he will always provide for us! I am so glad to be back in church, but also celebrate Easter, knowing that I have no doubt that he will be there for us!! Also on a positive note, I am off tomorrow from work, my first day off in 21 days! I am so beyond excited!
Happy Easter Everyone!
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