Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My WILD turkey's!!

I had to take a comprehensive test today for class, if I pass this one then that means less time at school and more time at work on Tuesdays!  So, therefore I will have more time on Sunday to study, do house work and hang out with Britt and the pups!  Since I just had to take the test today, I got to leave class early and instead of getting off at 9 I got off at 7!  Britt and I ate dinner together which we wouldn't' have been be able to normally since he is currently on nights and leaves for work before I get home from work!  We ate some delicious chicken spideni and broccoli cheese soup from Hen House!  Britt left for work and then my wild animals decided they needed to go out.  Britt hadn't taken them for a walk today so I decided to tackle it before we headed to bed.  They were so crazy pulling, sniffing everything, tangling themselves up in each others leash!  Finally they calmed down and it was an easier trek back home!   Speaking of the pups, Mork got a hair cut yesterday, we like to shave him in the warm months because he gets so warm with his black hair!  I also made kolachee after dinner, one of Nana's dessert's she makes :)  
Mork sporting his new doo!


My newest sign:)

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